Call or TEXT: 514-838-6613

  • Product Info

    Eucalyptus. Lavande. Mousse de chêne. Cuir. Terre humide. Feuillage. Aventurez-vous au cœur d’une forêt tropicale sauvage, où les arômes de feuillage et de terre humide témoignent du calme apaisant de la nature. Venture into the heart of a wild rainforest, where leafy and earthy notes root you to the soothing beauty of nature. 120 ml.

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Opening Hours:
Open 7 Days a week from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Questions? Call or Text: 514-838-6613

515 Rue Berri, #400
Place Gare Viger (inside courtyard)
Montreal, Quebec, H2Y 0C3
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